Important Dates:
Date of Conference : March 05th and 06th, 2024
Full length Paper Submission : Feb 05th, 2024
Notification of acceptance : Feb 15th, 2024
Deadline for Registration : Feb 20th, 2024
Countdown for Conference
About Us
SKSVMACET is an institution founded by the Founder Chairman, the Late, Sri Venkappa M. Agadi, with the dream of transforming his birthplace from a tiny hamlet into a center of excellence. Lakshmeshwar is located near the twin city Hubballi-Dharwad, an epitome of culture as well as an emerging business and technological hub. The organization has state of-the-art infrastructure to facilitate students for gaining experiential learning and academic setup with 360o mentorship. SKSVMACET is driven by highly motivated individuals with corporate culture with a mission to provide quality technical education, promote interdisciplinary research, innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem in the campus. The institution caters to the needs of both urban and rural students who aspire to become professionals with high caliber and serve the society at large using their technical and management skills.

Important Dates
Registration Fees
Academician/ Research Scholar - Rs. 1500 |
UG / PG Student - Rs. 1500 |
Foreign Delegates - $ 40 |
It is mandatory that the author presenting the paper has to register by using any of the following modes.
Account Number : 00000011139847017
Bank : State Bank of India
Branch : LAKSHMESHWAR (02229)
IFS Code : SBIN0002229
Currency : INR
The fees includes conference kit, accommodation, certificate, and refreshment for one presenter / paper.
The objective of the conference is to congregate leading academicians, researchers, scholars and scientists to share the insights of original research work and foster collaboration in research and innovation arena. Solving global challenges involves convergence of innovative strategies from multiple disciplines in engineering and technology. ICMRTET 2024 will highlight the role of inter-disciplinary approach as a unifying force, while bridging gaps between different academic and professional domains. The conference provides a common platform to put forth the scientific views and establish network of research community.
The first International Conference on Multi-disciplinary Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICMRTET 2024) provides a premier platform for researchers, academicians, industry experts, and practitioners to present and discuss the latest advancements, trends, and challenges in various disciplines of engineering and technology. ICMRTET 2024 invites original unpublished papers from scientists, research community and innovators who have attained break-through results and research findings in different disciplines or areas.
1. Authors are required to submit technical paper in IEEE template with maximum of 6 pages.
2. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by experts in the field based on originality, significance,quality, and clarity.
Articles can be submitted based on the tracks but are not restricted to following topics
Track1: Computing Horizons
Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Natural Language Processing
Computer Vision
Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Cognitive computing
Data Analytics and Big Data
Software Engineering
Human-Computer Interaction
Information security and privacy
Internet of Things
Mobile sensing and Applications
Network Security
Optical Network
Quantum Computing
Engineering Sciences Topics
Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics
Discrete Mathematics
Computational Number Theory
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation
Fluid Dynamics
Material Science
Energy storage materials
Quantum Computing
Sustainable Chemistry and Environmental Science.
Nanomaterials and Technology
Track2: Connect Electronics
Electronics Design
Artificial Intelligence in Communications
Embedded systems and IoT devices
VLSI design and Communication circuits
Signal processing and communication engineering
Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications
Applications of AI in electronics Circuits
Biomedical Applications
Distributed Generation and smart grid technology
Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives
Multilevel and High Power Converters
Energy Storage Technology
Renewable Energy Systems
IoT Technology in the Energy Sector
Smart Metering
Electric Vehicles and their Charging Stations
Control of Power Electronic Converters
Power Electronics in Transmission and Distribution System
Power Electronics in HVDC, HVAC and FACTS
Management of Distributed Systems
Track3: SMID
Additive manufacturing
Artificial intelligence in Production
Advanced Materials
Alternative Fuels
Automation in manufacturing system
Design and Analysis of Thermal Systems
Engineering system design
Mechatronics, Control and Robotics
Renewable Energy
Robotics and automation
Sustainable and green manufacturing
Structural Analysis and Design
Smart Cities and Infrastructure Planning
Smart construction for geotechnical engineering
Sustainable Infrastructure Development
Innovations in Geotechnical Engineering and Construction
Resilient and Disaster-Resistant Civil Infrastructure
Urban Planning and Optimization
Engineering ManagManagement
Chief Patrons

Late. Sri Venkappa M Agadi
Founder Chairman & Managing Trustee and a lifetime Trustee

Smt. Kamala V Agadi
Founder & Life Time Trustee

Sri. Harshavardhan V Agadi
Chairperson & Trustee

Smt. Geetha H Agadi
Vice Chairperson & Trustee

Sri. Samir A Agadi
Life Time Trustee

Dr. Parashuram Baraki
Principal, SKSVMACET

Dr. Swapna Channagoudar
HOD, Civil Engineering

Dr. Swapna Channagoudar
HOD, Civil Engineering
Organizing Committee

Dr. Subhas A Meti
Chief Academic Coordinator and Prof, Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Prof. Vikram Shirol
HOD, Computer Science and Engineering

Dr. Rajashekar Mulimani
MD (Internal Medicine) Agadi Sunrise Hospital.

Prof. Pratima Kadekar
First Year Coordinator

Dr. Rajesh M Patil
HOD , IQAC Coordinator, Prof & Head, Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Dr. Santosh Bujari
HOD , Electronics and Communication Engineering

Dr. Devendra K
HOD, Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Hayavadana
Professor, Dept of Chemistry
Steering Committee

Dr. Girish Yattinahalli
First Year Engineering

Prof. Basavaraj Hadapad
Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Dr. Shivanandswamy Mahapurush
Electronics and Communication Engineering

Dr. Mahantesh Tattimani
Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Shivaraj Kumar Goudar
Civil Engineering

Prof. Shivaraj Hiremath
Information Science and Engineering

Prof. Arun Kumbi
Computer Science and Engineering
Advisory Committee
Mr. Pooran Prasad
CEO of one-page, USA.
Dr. Krishna R. Reddy
Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois Chicago
Dr. Suresh. G. B
Professor and Head of Section, CSIT, Muscat, Oman.
Dr. Amarnath Hegde
Associate Dean (Infrastructure, Planning and Support), IIT, Dharwad.
Dr. Siddarth P Datta Gupta
Dept of EEE, IIT, Mumbai.
Dr. Ramkumar P S
Director APCOGY Sys, Bengaluru
Dr. Ravi Guttal
CTO and VP, Aqeus Private Ltd, Belagavi.
Dr. Somashekhar S. Hiremath
Head, Precision Engineering and Instrumentation Laboratory, IIT, Madras.
Dr. Manjunath B R
Director of Academic Affairs, Shoolini University, HP, India
Dr. Manjunatha P
Dean Academics, JNNCE, Shivamogga
Dr. Mallikarjun Holi
Prof and HOD, Dept of E&I, UBDTCE, Davangere.
Dr. Narendra V G
Prof, Dept of CSE ,MIT, Manipal
Mr. Vithal Ambi
Design Engineer, Intel, USA
Mr. Rakesh Y C
Design Engineer, Texas Instruments, Bengaluru